Information and Knowledge Systems. Digital Technologies, Artificial Intelligence and Decision Making -- Inès Saad, Camille Rosenthal-Sabroux, Faiez Gargouri, Pierre-Emmanuel Arduin

This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Information and Knowledge Systems, ICIKS 2021, which was held online during June 22-23, 2021. The International Conference on Information and Knowledge Systems (ICIKS 2021) gathered both researchers and practitioners in the fields of Information Systems, Artificial Intelligence, Knowledge Management and Decision Support. ICIKS seeks to promote discussions on various organizational, technological, and socio-cultural aspects of research in the design and use of information and knowledge systems in organizations. The 10 full and 2 short papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 32 submissions. They were organized in topical sections as follows: knowledge systems and decision making; machine learning, recommender systems, and knowledge systems; and security, artificial intelligence, and information systems.

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Format :

185 pages

Editeur :


Université de Sfax. Route de l'Aéroport Km 0.5 BP 1169. 3029 Sfax

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